Tuesday, June 4, 2013

My Favorite Technology!!!

Technology has come a long way over the years.  I remember the first computer I  had as a child  was one that hooked to the television and lacked animation of any sort.  I can still see it in my mind.  There have been numerous improvements to technology even since my college days where I took my only computer course of Microcomputers in Education.  The only cell phone at the time was a bag phone that had to be plugged up in the car at all times and a magnetic antenna on the exterior of your car if you wanted any type of service.  Technology has now become more prevalent and complex and society is heading in the direction of this change. (Robler and Doering, 2010 p. 34).  Now there is computer software that can test children in a core subject, such as mathematics and the program will then identify that students strengths and weaknesses.  My how times have changed!  With these "changes came differing views of education and appropriate teaching strategies (Robler and Doering, 2010 p. 34).

Students at US Jones Elementary School in Demopolis, Alabama using iPads to enhance their mathematics skills

  My Favorite Technology!!!

There are several technology items that I like but I have to say my favorite piece of technology is the iPad2.  The iPad2 has been used as a story teller, a reader, a calculator, and a gaming device for my special needs students. There are many educational applications that are free with the opportunity available to purchase more levels as the students advance.  There are numerous math flashcard applications that can aid in increasing speed drills in mathematics.  There are also applications that will read stories to the students as well as allow for some interaction to occur in the form of a game or identifying objects. When working with an autistic child that had limited conversation skills, I found an application that showed pictures and asked her to identify the emotion spoken.  She loved this application and it helped with her expressive language. Even at home, a counting money application has help my own daughter gain confidence in her abilities. I foresee an incredible use for classroom technology.  Software has been designed that correlates to the text used and offers the ability to increase font size, color contrast, summarization of text and even provide text to speech capabilities to assist the special needs students in the classroom (Robler and Doering, 2010 p. 55).

Here is an example of an iPad at work in the classroom


  1. Anne I could not agree more! Technology has come a very long way, and I am sure that it has a long way to go. I love that you talked about the bag phone! I remember my mother having one of those. It is unreal what a cell phone can do now. I also love iPads. You are right, there are so many opportunities for students and teachers with the use of iPads. I think it is wonderful that they offer free apps, especially in the teaching world. Great post!

  2. You are right, technology has come a LONG way! And I can't imagine what they'll come up with next. iPads are great learning tools! They are so versatile and the apps and learning games are endless. Great job!

  3. I totally agree that kids would be more engaged by using up to date technology like ipads. Ipads have endless learning possibilities for students. This could really help disengaged students become focused and help all students want to be in class.

  4. Thanks for the wonderful comments everyone!

  5. Yes, technology has made a great improvement. I too remember the first computer and cell phone. They were both larger than computers are now and cell phones are much smaller and we can carry them around, and without cords. How good is that! The thing about technology today is that, I only wish every child could have the opportunity of been able to have their own I pad, or any other technological device to assist them with learning in their classroom.
