Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mobile Technology and Application

As I have stated previously, iPads are one of my favorite technology resources in which to use in my classroom.  I would love to have an iPad station in which to reinforce skills already learned and introduce new skills.  The iPad can be an ideal tool for use with mathematics and language arts.  

Watch this short video showing how iPads are used in one classroom! 

Here is a Tweet I found from a guy I have been following....This article is full of useful information!

I found several excellent free mathematics apps on iTunes.  These applications are for basic math skills and can be set for individual skills such as addition or random facts (+,-,x,/).  My daughter loves these games! These apps are in game format to gain their attention.  "Teachers say technology's visual and interactive qualities can direct student's attention toward learning tasks" (Roblyer & Doering, 2013, p. 25).  Technology supports student's learning needs by giving them practice.  "Drill-and-practice type (apps) offers privacy, self-pacing, and immediate feedback that makes practice most effective"
(Roblyer & Doering, 2013, p. 25).

Math Zombies
My Math Flash Card App
Math Puppy - Bingo Challenge 

Here are more free applications from iTunes!  These applications are for primary reading grades.  I have played them all and they are fun and very engaging to me even though I know how to read!  I can't wait for my daughter to try them!A couple of these apps can turn disabilities into capabilities by giving them visual and auditory feedback to aid them throughout the application.

Sentence Reading Magic 
Sight Words Grades 1 & 2 
Phonics Tic-Tac-Toe Interactive 
ABC Reading Magic 2-Consonant Blend Sampler 

These guys have some awesome information on their website!  I enjoy seeing what they have to say daily!


  1. I most definitely agree with you on those reading apps. Those apps can turn any child’s disability into capabilities. Mobile apps? Now you said that, they are taking over the UNIVERSE. I have apps ranging from games, entertainment, news, social networks, and paying my bills. These apps are so useful on my iPhone, which I use very carefully for privacy only. Apps are the new education tool. “Using Popplet in the Classroom” sounds fun. I need to search more on that to share with my study kids this summer. Great post!!

  2. After reading our posts, I think we all agree that iPads are great learning tools to use in the classroom! They can be useful in so many areas, reinforcing so many different skills. I love that you found so many free apps. That's important to me. Since I'm not using the iPad in the classroom, rather in my home with my kids, I usually only download free apps. And I'm definitely going to check out some of the ones you shared!

  3. Great blog! Thank you for all of the resources. I love that you said look our world, the next educational tool is coming. The education world does have some many changes coming it's way and we do all need to be ready. This will be my schools first year to "bring your own device" and I can not wait to see what is to come. I also agree with you that technology is used to enhance instruction, not guide it!

  4. I love your idea of having an iPad station. Use mobile devices to keep students mobile! Technology is coming, and nothing is going to stop it! So, I guess we all better get on the bandwagon!
